Turning 25 – How Does It Feel?

December 15, 2016

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You know that moment when you realize that you’re a quarter of century old and that life is going way to fast? That moment when you think…Wait didn’t I just have a birthday?…and you kind of have a panic attack because it seems like life just gets faster and faster? Yep…that was me about a week ago on the way home from work. Me…on the interstate…in rush hour traffic…having a panic attack because I’m now a quarter of century old! I realize that 25 isn’t that old. I still have the best years of my life ahead of me but to think that I’ve been out of high school for 7 years. That my 18th birthday was 7 years ago and my 21st birthday was 4 years ago is just blowing my mind! Where did all that time go!? Does it ever slow down or do we all just stand complacent on the conveyor belt of life as it whisks us down the path towards old age and retirement?

Now this post isn’t meant to be depressing at all. Some amazing things have happened at 24 but the realization that it’s all passing me by is just too much not to take a minute to dwell on how fast it all goes. So let’s get on to the good stuff. Last Friday, December 9th, I turned 25. Wow! I think I’ve finally come to terms with 25. Aside from my slight quarter life crisis on the interstate last week, it’s been a pretty painless transition to officially being in my mid-20s.

Let’s start superficially first. One year…have I physically changed that much?

Not really. Aside from the shorter hair, permanently red hair and glasses, I’m still pretty much the same. 

Next up, emotionally. As 25 closed in I definitely felt a greater need to control my life. For anyone who doesn’t know me, I am severely Type A. I like planning and schedules and Lord knows you don’t want to see my Google Calendar. It is color coded and scheduled down to the half hour and that’s how I like it! As life whisks past me in the blink of an eye I felt a greater need to try to control my life and slow it down. Thinking that if I planned my life out by the half hour that I could somehow force myself to slow down and focus on tasks and therefore I would be able to slow life down a bit. That definitely did not happen at all. As I sit writing this I can’t help but think…how is it already the middle of December! Dear goodness time just please STOP! I’ve also really come into myself over the last year or rather the last two years. It’s been an interesting journey. This past year I’ve come to really realize who I am and what I want out of life and if this hasn’t happened to you yet, let me just tell you that you are in for a treat. It truly is a breath of fresh air to know what you want out of life and to be able to throw yourself full force into it. What I’ve realized I want this year is a successful business. Success is different for every person and so I have my numbers and my goals and can’t wait to put myself full force into it. I strongly urge you to go after what you want out of life and give it your all. 

What’s up in life?

Well let me tell you….it has been an eventful year. Not only did I celebrate my first year as a full time employee at Watkins but I also left Nashville. It was an emotional week of packing and an even more emotional day leaving my apartment. It’s hard to describe but I love Nashville and it was my home for 6 years. I fell in love with the hustle and bustle and the magic of a city that never truly goes to sleep, much like myself lol. Leaving a city that I love so much to go back to Clarksville was really hard but now 8 months later I’m glad that I did. In the last 8 months I’ve moved 3 times and finally settled in our little house. It’s crazy to finally be in a space where I can paint the walls! Totally a crazy thing to be excited about but when you’ve lived in a dorm for 5 years and an apartment for 1 and weren’t able to paint the walls and truly make it your own, it’s an exciting thing! I even have my own office! I love to quiet solitude of my office and while it’s still not organized after living there for 3 months it’s still one of my favorite rooms in the house. 

It’s been crazy year of being 24 and now I’m excited to see what 25 brings. Aside from all the crazy life that happened over 24 I also got to do some pretty fun stuff. I got to attend a show for my favorite band, Mayday Parade and on my birthday this year we bought our first Christmas tree for our first house! 

I feel like this blog has been a mess of feels and events so if you’re still hanging on, congratulations and thanks! I am so thankful for all the amazing things that have happened to me this year. I got to do what I love, photography, see a band I love, Mayday Parade, and make a house a home. I hope you’ll continue following along as 2017 and 25 whisks past me in the blink of an eye as I’m sure I still won’t be able to control time. How did you feel when you hit an important birthday milestone? Any advice for making 25 an amazingly successful age? Leave it in the comments and I’ll be sure to reply. 

Your future family heirlooms await.