Sneak Peek-Downtown Presbyterian Church-The Uldrich Wedding

November 5, 2017

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I’m dying!! Yesterday was such an amazing day! When I woke up yesterday and got ready for the Uldrich wedding I expected typical November temperatures…chilly. But when I stepped outside to head to the venue, I was met with beautiful, balmy, perfect fall weather. Kelly and Brandon couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day for their wedding. I arrived at the church as everyone hustled and bustled around getting ready and finishing last minute details. The soon to be newlyweds were bright eyed with excitement and their excitement made everyone around them just as excited. 

I want to save their full wedding day story for their wedding day blog so for now browse through their sneak peek and get ready to be wowed! Their day was so perfect and Kelly and Brandon are STUNNING together!

Be sure to show them some love in the comments.

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Uldrich! 

I set this photo below aside because it has a special story. I’ll share the entire story in their full wedding day blog but for now here’s a teaser. The handkerchief Kelly is holding has been carried by many women on their wedding day. The woman beside her is the next to be wed and the next to carry the family handkerchief down the aisle. There were laughs, there were smiles, and there were definitely tears. Can’t wait to share their full story later! If you’d like to be notified when the full wedding gallery goes live just click below and register with your email.


Your future family heirlooms await.