Style Guide-How to Dress for Your Session-Men

February 25, 2016

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I’m so excited to be writing this style guide for men! The most important thing to remember is to be yourself and dress for not only style but for comfort. Remember to wear something classic that isn’t graphic and won’t look dated in a few years. Some good examples of this are blazers, dress shirts and slacks. What you wear doesn’t have to be boring. It can make a statement while still being classy. These below are so classy and are great staples for any photo session.

Your clothing should also make a statement about you as a person. Do you have a favorite activity, hobby, or sport? If so let’s show it off! 

Now for the details of what to wear and bring. Shoes, bring both dressy and casual. You want something that can be dressed up for classy photos and then a casual choice for wading through water or doing photos that display your personality. Don’t forget to bring belts, socks, ties and hats. These are small items that are easily forgotten. Staple items are a necessity. Black and white shirts are important for layering and are casual yet layer under dress shirts nicely. If you do sports make sure to bring your jerseys, jackets and equipment so we can take some fun photos of what you enjoy to do. Anything you find enjoyable you should bring. Your session is all about you and what makes you unique. Check out the photos below for examples. 

Grooming is also very important to ensure that you look your best in the photos. You should schedule a haircut at least a week before your session so that it will have time to fade in and look natural. Make sure to clean and trim your fingernails. Contrary to popular belief you will be able to see them in the photos and you want them to look their best. Use chapstick so your lips aren’t chapped. No one likes chapped lips in close up shots. Try to stay out of the sun to avoid sunburn and tan lines. Shave an hour before your session, five o’clock shadow cannot be retouched and sunburn is incredibly hard to erase in photos. Pamper yourself before your session. Girls are not the only ones who need prep time. Moisturize your skin and prepare to look and feel your best.

The most important thing is to relax. Trust me and let me show you in your best light. Have fun with it, laugh and enjoy yourself. A smile is everyone’s best feature and I love to show off a client’s smile and personality.

I hope this blog is helpful when preparing for your session. I am also always free to answer questions and talk over wardrobe choices if needed.

(All clothing photos curtesy of pinterest and google)

Your future family heirlooms await.