Wedding planning during COVID-19

September 15, 2020

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Hi guys, COVID-19 has rocked our world in so many ways and my heart especially goes out to all of the brides and grooms right now. There is so much time and effort goes into planning your wedding day and to have it postponed, changed, or being worried either will happen is a stresser that I’m sure you never thought you’d have to think about when you got engaged! 

I am a positive person though and I have been seeking the silver lining as I watch my couples get married during COVID-19. Which is why I decided to write a blog for you all highlighting what I view as the silver linings of wedding planning during COVID-19! I hope that these ideas can spark some creativity and joy during a time that may seem overwhelming.

Select vendors you love

This is a biggie for any wedding, but postponing your wedding date due to COVID-19 may mean that some of your dream wedding vendors are available on your new date if they weren’t previously! Did you hope to have a certain videographer but they were booked? Or a caterer that couldn’t fit your day into their weekend schedule for your original date? Now is the time to reach back out and see if they are available!

Time to save money 

With COVID-19 postponing many weddings to 2021, that gives couples an extra year to save money for their wedding day. Even a few extra months can help you guys save money and gives you a financial buffer. Which leads me to my next silver lining…

Splurge on your wishlist 

You have time to save up more money for your wedding, which means you may have a bigger budget than you had originally planned for! Look at your wedding wishlist and see what you’d like to add to it. There are so many fun ideas, the sky’s the limit! You could hire an artist to paint your first dance live, a champagne truck to arrive during cocktail hour, add a flower wall to your decor for portraits, and the list goes on and on. You also could add to your honeymoon fund or even go on your dream honeymoon!

Take advantage of the COVID-19 time 

Since you may have some extra time that you weren’t planning on, you can take advantage of it and add some fun touches to your day that you may not have been able to do otherwise. Take ballroom dance classes together to have an extra special first dance. Or coordinate a surprise dance with your bridesmaids! Learn calligraphy and create your own table numbers. Get ahead on thank you notes as gifts start arriving. Look at your full wedding day and see what you could add to the day with this extra time you have!

Double the celebration even during COVID-19

This is a very special silver lining in my opinion. Celebrate your original wedding day in a unique way. Your wedding date may be changed but you had an original date that you two picked together and were excited about and should honor it! There are so many things you can do, such as ordering a small cake to share, doing a couples photoshoot, and opening up wedding gifts together. You may not be having your Plan A wedding right now but it’s still fun to celebrate it before you have your Plan B wedding with all your friends and family. 

Ultimately the best silver lining of all is that you are going to be marrying your best friend and that’s truly what matters. Don’t discount your feelings of frustration or sadness over having to reschedule because it is understandable but trying to stay positive and looking at the bonuses you may gain from rescheduling can help ease the changes. Head to my contact page to talk with me about your new wedding date today!






Your future family heirlooms await.