Backstreet Boys Concert!

September 11, 2019

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I about died from happiness a couple of weeks ago at the Backstreet Boys concert. I have loved Backstreet Boys for YEARS and they came back to Nashville for the DNA tour this year.

Well, let’s just start at the beginning.

Through a series of unfortunate events, I almost didn’t have tickets to the show. We won’t get into that… Luckily, Shane and I met the sweetest couple in line to buy tickets at the show. They had two friends who couldn’t make it and were trying to get rid of their tickets. We ended up TWO rows from the floor with incredible seats! The show was mind-blowingly good! I literally can’t even put into words how awesome it was.

I will warn you…the following photos are not technically sound. They were taken on my iPhone as I didn’t want to have to go through security with my professional camera. But I knew I HAD to take photos of the show and I’m so glad I did. Every time I look at the photos and watch the video I put together of the clips I took, I’m taken back to the best night of my life. We had so much fun! Also….peep the cute guy with me. I’m so glad Shane went with me even though BSB isn’t really his style. I really am a lucky woman!

Check out the photos below and at the bottom, I put together a video of some video clips I took. They sang songs from all their albums including their newest, DNA, and it was magical!

P.S. Still can’t believe Brian has a 17-year-old son and his music is AMAZING!! Definitely check out Baylee Littrell.

baylee littrell

Here we go guys….ready or not!

Umm….hello Nick. Still as good looking as ever. <3 Who was your favorite Backstreet Boy?

So funny story…

This photo right here really does need storytime. So the guys were talking about how women used to throw their bras on stage back in the 90s and early 00s. Well, they made a joke about how while some of the guys got changed backstage, two of them would be getting changed ON stage. Of course, this caused a scene. They changed inside these boxes on stage and then threw their new signed underwear off stage and into the crowd. It was hilarious and as you can imagine caused a frenzy.

Look how high they are!! This is where they sang a couple of songs but they started by singing their debut acapella song from their new CD, DNA. It was so good! I’m pretty sure I’ve listed to it on Spotify about a million times since then.

Seriously….look at that face. How cute is he!?

The final song of the night and I seriously didn’t want it to end. I mean look at all those people! I’ve been to alternative rock shows that weren’t as loud of this place. Now granted, there are a few thousand more people present but man…we got LOUD!

Here it is ladies and gentlemen.

I am not a videographer by any means but I wanted to put together a compilation of all the Backstreet Boys songs I recorded during the show. I think I did pretty good with the basics. Honestly, even a couple of weeks later, I’m still on Cloud 9. Best show of my life!!


Your future family heirlooms await.