
August 2, 2019

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How is it August!

The fact that this year is over halfway over terrifies me!

It’s going to be New Years before we know it folks!

So let’s talk about August!

August’s Goals

  • Complete July and August’s content for the KJ Business Journey class
  • Cull, edit and blog August weddings
  • Write blogs for August
  • Schedule social media content for August
  • Work out 4 days a week
  • Prepare for KJ class in Virginia
  • Plan for trip to Barcelona

Here’s the Plan for Business!

  • Complete July and August KJ Business Journey
    • I totally slacked off last month and didn’t work on this course. If you saw my social media a few days ago, then you probably saw that I’ve been in a funk this month. I don’t know what it is but I just can’t muster up the energy to get much done. I’m going to change that this month and get both July and August complete. I really have to keep up now since December is quickly approaching. In December, I am headed to Virginia for the in person class for this course. But more on that later.

katelyn james business journey

  • Cull, edit and blog August’s weddings
    • July was pretty slow wedding wise which I do not mind. July weddings are always really hard because of how hot it is. I’m not preparing for the one wedding I have in August and trying to get as caught of with other business work during this slow season as I can.
  • Schedule social media
    • I do this every month and it’s good that I do because sometimes I forget to post on social media. By scheduling it all ahead of time, I don’t have to worry about forgetting to post or thinking of something last minute to post.

later social media

Here’s the Plan for Personal!

  • Working out 4 times a week.
    • I’ve stepped away from PWR at Home for a bit. The 45 minute workouts plus 10 minutes of cardio before and after my workout was just proving to be too much of a challenge. This month, I’m starting a 30 day challenge with myself. I downloaded FitOn and have been using it for about a week now. Each workout is about 30 minutes and is much more manageable and fun. Plus I can do a lot of them at home so if I can’t make it to the gym, I can still workout.

Image result for fiton

  • Preparing for KJ Class in Virginia!!
    • In December, I will be hopping a flight to Richmond, VA for a one day in person class with one of my photography idols. I am so excited to have an in person class with Katelyn James and can’t wait to learn all I can while I’m there. I’ll also be participating in a styled wedding session that one of the other KJ students put together and I can’t wait to see what she’s put together.
  • Planning for trip to Barcelona!!
    • I’m finally doing it guys! I’m finally going to Barcelona and I couldn’t be more excited! Every time I think about it, I get all giddy inside and can’t stop smiling. I’ve been dreaming about Barcelona for years and I finally said enough is enough and dreaming about it isn’t enough. So I set a date and called a travel agent to get everything started. I can’t wait to start sharing blogs about the planning process. Have you ever been to Barcelona? Where should I go?

city lights from a plane

Well, that’s it. I’m hitting this month hard so I can start getting caught up. I’ll also be working on new ways to market to brides for next year.

Want to read old monthly goals posts? Check out #DearJuly.

What are your goals for August?


Your future family heirlooms await.