The Birth of Brynlynn Gail Jones

June 28, 2019

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This little girl….let me tell you! She took her sweet sweet time getting here but we’re so excited that she’s finally here!

I got a text from Cristin on Saturday, June 8, letting me know that she was being induced at 10pm that night. I thought, great, I am photographing a wedding until 10pm, can drive back and maybe get a little sleep before heading to the hospital. Little did we know that baby Brynlynn was perfectly content where she was and wasn’t coming out any time soon. I remember Cristin texting me that she felt like Brynlynn had built a home and was in for the long haul and boy was she right!

Arriving at Tennova

I got the text from Cristin that she was at 6cm at about 8pm on June 9th. I quickly packed up and headed to the hospital so I would be ready when Brynlynn arrived.

I LOVE surprising my clients with little gifts here and there and this one is one of my favorites!! A couple coffee mugs and a relaxing candle for when the baby comes and of course a onesie that says Future Liz Courtney Bride! 🙂 Cristin’s face when she saw it is the best! Be sure to check out the photos her reaction below.

Cristin was a total rockstar during her birth! Her epidural wore off at one point but after additional medication was given she totally killed it!

The moment he saw her.

The photo below is Shawn’s face when he first saw his daughter and if that isn’t true fatherly love, I don’t know what is! I don’t think I’ll ever forget his face or Christin’s face when she finally got to hold her little girl.

Happy Birthday Brynlynn!

After hour and hours of labor and so much pushing, Brynlynn Gail Jones was born into the world at 11:54pm. She weighed 8lb 14oz and was 21 inches long. I couldn’t be more excited for Cristin and Shawn. Check out more photos from her birth. Be sure to come back in a few days for her in home newborn photos!

Check out their anniversary blog here: The Jones Anniversary.

Your future family heirlooms await.