
April 2, 2019

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dear april with smiling photo of woman


Today is the very first post of a series that I’m really excited to start. I’ve always been great at organization but sometimes I’m not good with follow through. I have so much I want to get done and I can’t decide where to get started.

So this post, which will happen at the beginning of every month and will lay out clear activities I’d like to work on for the month. There will be a #livingyourworth post in the middle of the month to talk about life and living it to the fullest and will also be a mid-month check in to see how I’m doing on my goals. Next month’s #dearmay post will recap what I got done and what I might need to push off until I have time. It might also include anything that I’ve decided just isn’t beneficial to my business or to me living my best life.

I’m hoping you, my dear readers, will help me stay accountable and that this post might help inspire you to start getting your endless to do list done, or to just take things off it that aren’t really needed or aren’t making you happy.

So here we go….April!! 

  • Prep gear for the upcoming wedding season so I am prepared for anything and everything.
  • Complete April’s content for KJ Business Journey and begin implementing it into my business.
  • Write and schedule blogs for the month .
  • Schedule as much of the month’s social media content as possible.
  • Start Liz Courtney Bride Tribe on Facebook and get the conversation going with my amazing past clients.
  • Continue working out at least 3 days a week.
  • Drink more water.
  • Go out and enjoy life more.

I think I’ll start there for the month. I don’t want to get too carried away and fail right out of the gate.

Every good plan needs a plan of action and I wouldn’t be a good planner if I didn’t decide how I was going to get this done.

Here’s the plan for business: 

  • Prep gear for wedding season
    • This one is easy. I’ll be taking my gear to Dury’s for a quick look over and to get a few things tightened up that I’ve noticed have been getting loose.
    • I’ll also be locating all my memory cards and getting them organized and ordering new batteries. You can never have too many batteries!
  • KJ’s content will also be pretty easy.
    • It’s social media month if I remember correctly and I’ve already decided to do 1 video each night after work. Should take me about a week I think and then I can start implementing what I’ve learned.


  • Blog writing!
    • This is always such a huge task. It takes me about 30 minutes to an hour to write a blog depending on how indepth it is. I’m planning to post 7 blogs this month. I have a wedding from December I need to blog, some educational posts I’m working on, a maternity session, and of course this blog and my #livingyourworth blog.
    • Writing those will be pretty easy as long as I stick to my schedule. Mondays are blog writnig days and I plan to stick to it!
  • Social media is another hard one.
    • Sundays are social media days but they’re also “do all the cleaning and grocery shopping days.” I’ll need to be really vigilant with myself in order to schedule each week on Sundays like I’m supposed to.
    • I’m planning to take an hour before bed on Sundays and schedule the week.
  • Liz Courtney Bride Tribe
    • I’m a little nervous about this one. It’ll be exciting to connect all my brides into one group and as I add brides they’ll get to chat and help each other through wedding planning and life as a married couple. I hope it goes as well as I hope it will.
    • I’m going to bite the bullet and get this started this week.


Here’s the plan for life: 

  • Work out 3 times a week.
    • I’m pretty good with this one right now too. Today starts the beginning of week 4 of working out and I’ve been feeling really good.

sweat with fit woman

  • Drink more water.
    • This one is super important. I’m so bad about remembering to drink enough water. I now have two giant water bottles, one for home and one for work that will hopefully make it more interesting.

  • Go out and live life.
    • This ties directly into my future #livingyourworth post. I am determined to start going out and just enjoying hanging out with friends and not worrying or working so much. I have a terrible habit of letting work take over and I’m working on fixing that.

So that’s it. My first ever Dear (Month) post. I can’t wait to see how much more I can get done when I’m more focused. What are you planning to work on this month? Leave it in the comments and I’ll cheer you on!

Your future family heirlooms await.