It’s really hard for me to put into words how it feels to leave Nashville after being here for 6 years. I love Nashville so much that I can’t imagine leaving. I definitely will not miss the traffic but I love the air of the city. It has such a great busy atmosphere to it and I’m really going to miss being here in that atmosphere. It sounds crazy but the air of this city gives me life. It’s so busy and there is alway something going on. I might not get to go to very many things because I’m a workaholic but I love the possibility. The amazing food, festivals, clubs, venues, just the crazy amount of things that can happen in a city this big. It’s not that big but it seems that way. There is always a part of it that you’ve never seen or haven’t seen many times and I love that about it. I honestly just don’t know how I feel about leaving. It’s such a bittersweet moment. I know I’ll still be traveling to Nashville every day for work but I won’t be living here and soaking up the energizing atmosphere of this amazing place every single day.
The morning I left my apartment for the last time. It was a sad moment for sure.
On the flip side of the sad feeling about leaving I’m also very very excited for the things that will happen once I move back to Clarksville. Before now only close friends and family knew this but I am so excited that I will be moving in with my boyfriend which is the reason I am moving back to Clarksville. It’s a crazy new step that has never happened to me before and I’m so excited for what is to come. I’m a little weirded out that I’m moving back since I had never planned to move back but I can’t wait to see what comes and let new things happen. I’ve never been good with change but this is a good change. I am relinquishing the control of my life and going with the flow! Nashville has been my home for 6 years and it’s where I found myself and became the woman I am today. Here’s to hoping for bigger and better things in life and to hoping that I never lose sight of who I am again. Cheers!